凯利·博兰德,85年, 负责发展的副主席是谁, 自2005年3月起担任该职位. She is responsible for cultivating revenue streams 和 avenues for fundraising 和 manages the operation of donor relations, 发展, 校友关系; 和 has led the college through two successful capital campaigns. Kelly’s career at Benedictine College began in 1985 as an 入学 Officer. Other positions she has held at her alma mater includes 校友关系总监, 招生主任, as well as the dual role of Dean of Enrollment Management 和 推进副总裁. 在后一种角色中, 凯利负责领导这次录取, 金融援助, 发展, 校友关系, 以及筹款活动, as well as overseeing the employees within the two departments.
电话: 913.360.7418
蒂姆·安德鲁斯 is a 1988 Benedictine graduate who has been with the college for over 20 years, 在过去的15年里,我一直担任计划给的执行董事. Tim advises members of the Benedictine College community interested in matching their personal values, 的人生故事, philanthropic goals with the college's vision to become one of the great Catholic colleges in America.
电话: 913.360.7363
迷迭香威尔克森 currently serves as the 发展执行主任 at Benedictine College. Her responsibilities include cultivating 校友关系hips, 征求主要捐助者, 和 stewardship of planned gifts from Benedictine College alumni 和 friends to help secure the long-term financial strength of the College. She served as Director of Development at Benedictine during the 信仰ful to the Story Campaign in 2000. 夫人. Wilkerson earned a bachelor of arts degree in English education in 1990 from Washburn University; 和 holds a master of science degree in mass communications/public relations from the A.Q. 堪萨斯州立大学米勒太阳城官网学院.
电话: 913.360.7417
道格龙斯达夫 is a 2007 graduate of the Benedictine Executive MBA program. 他在斯图本维尔的方济各大学获得学士学位. Having previously worn a couple of hats in the 校友 和 Advancement offices at Benedictine, Doug自2017年起担任年度捐赠总监. 他的职责是吸引校友, parents 和 friends in the life of the college through annual support for all aspects of the student experience.
电话: 913.360.7452
“The opportunity to come back to campus 和 serve the Benedictine community is a wonderful gift,米歇尔·布鲁克斯说. “My deep love 和 appreciation for the mission of Benedictine College has deepened already as I’ve been meeting so many incredible alumni, 捐赠者和朋友.”
米凯拉来自新泽西州的本尼迪克特学院, where she served the last seven years with Saint Paul’s Outreach, first as a missionary 和 then as their Development Officer for the Northeast Region. 在加州和拉斯维加斯长大, Michela is the oldest of nine children 和 the first to attend Benedictine College, 接着是她的妹妹, 加布里埃尔·布鲁克斯·尼克森,20岁, 和现在的乌鸦, 安玛丽布鲁克斯. Michela graduated in 2014 with a degree in Psychology 和 a minor in Theology. She is a running enthusiast with a soft heart for national parks 和 east coast food, 的地方, 和历史. But she’s overjoyed to return to the Midwest 和 to the community of her alma mater.
电话: 702.379.3903
保罗巴托 joined Benedictine College in May of 2022 和 is responsible for cultivating strategic relationships 和 soliciting major donors primarily on the East Coast. 以前, Paul was a major gifts fundraiser in the nonprofit sector focusing on free speech 和 academic freedom in higher education. He also worked as Lynne Cheney’s research assistant at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
保罗得了A.A. 从沃邦西社区学院,B.A. 从惠顿学院,和M.A. in Historic Preservation from the University of South Carolina where he is also a History Ph.D. 候选人. His research focuses on colonial 和 revolutionary America 和 has been published in 南卡罗来纳历史杂志, 公共历史学家, 南方研究杂志, 联邦党人, 和 华盛顿审查员.
在他空闲的时候, 保罗喜欢古典音乐, 具有历史意义的旅游, 旅行, 狩猎, 徒步旅行, 骑马, 水肺潜水, 用球拍做任何运动.
电话: 913.358.3427
萨拉·克莱默 is a 1998 Benedictine graduate who has been with the college for 20 years. 自2005年以来,她一直在进步办公室工作. She is currently the 先进服务总监 和 Research.
电话: 913.360.7612
乔安妮·休伊, 1988年毕业于本尼迪克特学院, 9月9日起担任新一届校友关系总监. 2018. Huey is both an alumna 和 a parent of a Benedictine graduate, plus有两个姐妹和一个姐夫,他们也是乌鸦队的, 所以她给这份工作带来了很多直接的经验. Her professional background as a manager within the finance 和 investment industry has prepared her for the detail work 和 interaction required of her new position. She has always remained active within the alumni community 和 is excited to return to her alma mater 和 work with other alumni in an official capacity.
电话: 913.360.7675
詹姆斯·丘 is a 1986 Benedictine College graduate who has worked in advancement services at the College since 1989. His work is centered around gift recording, receipting 和 record keeping. 他与这所学院有长期的家族渊源. 他的父亲, 刘易斯(已故), was Class of 1946; his brother, 克雷格, is Class of 1988; 和 his mother, 玛格丽特(已故), didn’t attend Benedictine but taught music at the college from 1964-2012.
电话: 913.360.7416
Immediately following her graduation from Benedictine College in 1985 Kelly began working as an 入学s Counselor. In 1987 she took a job as a District Manager for the Kansas Lottery. In 2011, 在彩票工作了23年之后, she returned to Benedictine College to work in the 校友 Office. Her parents, all of her aunts 和 uncles, a brother 和 three children have attended Benedictine. 她的祖父和父亲都是前教员. 她目前在本尼迪克特学院教授游泳课程.
电话: 913.360.7414
凯西驻军 joined Benedictine College in May 1979 as secretary for the Public Relations 和 体育信息 Office. 她有一个1987年从这所大学毕业的姐姐. 多年来, she has assisted other departments 和 offices with administrative assistant tasks including the 体育运动, 通信, 校友关系, 以及进步办公室内部. 目前, 凯西是课堂笔记协调员, sharing stories of the alumni/alumnae through the class notes section of the Spirit of Giving alumni magazine, 以及她每周的《太阳城官网》电子邮件. She also h和les tasks such as research projects, archival, 和 stewardship. 凯西把本尼迪克特学院当作她的第二个家.
电话: 913.360.7427